I. Introduction
In digital circuit theory, sequential logic is a type of logic circuit whose output depends not only on the present input but also on the history of the input. This is in contrast to combinational logic, whose output is a function of, and only of, the present input. In other words, sequential logic has state (memory) while combinational logic does not.
Sequential logic is therefore used to construct some types of computer memory, other types of delay and storage elements, and finite state machines. Most practical computer circuits are a mixture of combinational and sequential logic.
II. Objectives
- to be able to create a sequential logic circuit with sequential code.
IV.Data and Results
Create a module 9 counter in VHDL with: Reset, set, Pause, Carry out.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity segmt_count is
port( set,clk,rst,pause : in std_logic;
I : in std_logic_vector (0 to 3);
segs :buffer std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
rco : out std_logic);
end segmt_count;
architecture behav of segmt_count is
process(clk, rst, set, pause)
if(rst='0') then segs <= "0000001";
elsif(set ='0') then
case I is
when "0000" => segs <= "0000001";
when "0001" => segs <= "1001111";
when "0010" => segs <= "0010010";
when "0011" => segs <= "0000110";
when "0100" => segs <= "1001100";
when "0101" => segs <= "0100100";
when "0110" => segs <= "0100000";
when "0111" => segs <= "0001111";
when "1000" => segs <= "0000000";
when "1001" => segs <= "0000100";
when others => segs <= "1111111";
end case;
elsif (clk'event and clk ='1') then
if (pause = '0' and (rst='0' or clk='0' or set='0')) then segs <= segs;
elsif(pause = '1') then
case segs is
when "0000001" => segs <= "1001111";
when "1001111" => segs <= "0010010";
when "0010010" => segs <= "0000110";
when "0000110" => segs <= "1001100";
when "1001100" => segs <= "0100100";
when "0100100" => segs <= "0100000";
when "0100000" => segs <= "0001111";
when "0001111" => segs <= "0000000";
when "0000000" => segs <= "0001100";
when others => segs <= "0000001";
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
rco <= '1'when (segs = "0000001")else '0';
end behav;
IV. Analysis
This experiment is a cool one because it count , pause , reset and set. after the group accomplish this experiment. like in previous labs we encounter errors or problem like the set button first it cant set a number and in counting it exceed in 9. Also in the pin assignments because we uses button not switches it is our first time to use that button.
This experiment is a cool one because it count , pause , reset and set. after the group accomplish this experiment. like in previous labs we encounter errors or problem like the set button first it cant set a number and in counting it exceed in 9. Also in the pin assignments because we uses button not switches it is our first time to use that button.
As the group finishes this experiment the Mod-9 counter we felt so happy because of 2 meetings and 2 makeup meetings on working in this experiments we finally accomplish it, and it is also the key to work on our last experiment the 99 counter.The group improve the debugging skills and increase the knowledge in programming especially the conditional and case statements. In order to succeed the group double check the program and analyze it step by step.
As the group finishes this experiment the Mod-9 counter we felt so happy because of 2 meetings and 2 makeup meetings on working in this experiments we finally accomplish it, and it is also the key to work on our last experiment the 99 counter.The group improve the debugging skills and increase the knowledge in programming especially the conditional and case statements. In order to succeed the group double check the program and analyze it step by step.